Readiness Checklist: 5 year olds

As a parent you can help your five year old be ready for school by working through the Readiness Checklist.

                   READINESS CHECKLIST
Help your child make a smooth transition to school so that they can do the following tasks unaided:
  • Pack and close their school bag.
  • Put a lid on and off their lunch box and drink bottle.
  • Change into PE clothes without assistance (this includes shoes:  velcro-type shoes are easiest for five year olds).
  • Go to the toilet without assistance.
  • Hold a pencil.
  • Write or recognise their own name.
  • Sit still and concentrate on an activity for a period of at least 5 minutes.
  • Count to at least 10.
  • Know the names of colours.
  • Be familiar with concepts such as longest, shortest, small, big, before, after, middle, up, down, across, too many, not enough, same, different, next to, below, above.
  • Look at the teacher and answer a question.
  • Follow simple instructions e.g. hang up your bag and take your books out.
Has your child been for their free B4 School Check with their Well Child Nurse?  Ring 0800 104 105 for further information.

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